What's Missing??!!
The Inaugural Edition
When I decided to do a blog, I wanted it to be informative and helpful, but I also wanted it to be fun! So I decided to add what I hope you all will find to be a fun feature called, "What's Missing".
In this game, I'm going to take a photo...usually one of mine, and I'm going to use the mighty power of Photoshop to remove or change 5 different things in that photo. I'm going to make a couple things fairly obvious. But there's going to be a few things in each photo that you'll really have to look for. Your job is to figure out what's missing (or changed)! So let's get to the inaugural photo...
So here's the original image. A beautiful bi-wing airplane in one of the hangers at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Below will be the altered that LOOKS the same at first glance, but it's not. WHAT'S MISSING??!!
Good luck! Once you think you have the answers, feel free to post them in the comments!
As always, please favorite me, bookmark me, Google +1 me, pin me and so on! Thanks!
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