Thursday, May 14, 2015

What's Missing??? (5-14-15)

What's Missing???
It's time for the newest, edition of, "What's Missing!" If you missed it last time, I started a game on my blog where I take one of my photos, and through the power of Photoshop, I remove, or other otherwise change 5 things. Your job is to study both photos carefully, and figure out what's missing...or changed.
I'm about to give the answers to the last "What's Missing" photo. So if you haven't looked at it yet, stop here and go have a look. Then come back here and see if you were right! So here's the answers to the airplane hanger version of "What's Missing" from last week...
Missing Tow Bar on the floor     
Missing Propeller on hanging airplane
Yellow Hub Cap on the airplane in the foreground
Missing “L” in "Air Mail" on the plane on the left side of the photo
Missing wing supports on main airplane (left of the cockpit)
For the newest version of "What's Missing," were going to visit the railroad museum in North Freedom, Wisconsin to see what kinds of stuff we can mess with!
 Here you go, guys!!! What's different??? As always, please share, Like, 1+, pin me and so on! Thanks!!!

1 comment:

  1. green thing (light?) the red/white railroad thing, garbage can next to stairs(i think its a garbage can) and the last thing i could find is the change in the color of the car
